About the Alexander Technique

On the Testimonials page you can read what other people have said about it. Probably far more helpful than my own definition, below, but here goes.

The Alexander Technique is a unique system of sensory learning discovered over a century ago which offers a radical aproach to long-term muscle pain, harmful posture and under-performance - in the working environment, business and artistic performance, sport and everyday life.

The basis of the work is a set of skills learned in regular one-to-one sessions. These embody the pioneering concept of “primary control” uncovered by F.M. Alexander, as well as an “endless process of growth” described by Professor John Dewey.  The skills are taught by gentle (and enjoyable!) micro-manipulation, and address the root cause of these neuro-muscular problems.

“Common sense systematised” is one definition. My own is “Intelligence in action”. 

I have received referrals from rheumatologists and neuro-surgeons for difficult cases.

In 2008 the British Medical Journal stated that for lower back pain the Technique was cost-effective and benefits lasted at least 12 months; it was recommended for NHS funding. Professor P Little who spearheaded this trial has been awarded a CBE for services to General Practice research.

In 2015 the Annals of Internal Medicine reported that the Alexander Technique was effective in reducing neck pain, including 12 months after treatment.

In 2016 a scientific study provided validation for Alexander’s Primary Control principle.

See other published research on the Alexander Technique and its manifold applications.

Anna Photograph with young patient
Anna Photograph with elderly patient